首页>汽配>汽摩产品制造设备>道通 EU702 code scanner 大众宝马欧系汽车故障码检测诊断工具 免费发布汽摩产品制造设备信息

道通 EU702 code scanner 大众宝马欧系汽车故障码检测诊断工具

更新时间:2024-04-18 信息编号:1414468
道通 EU702 code scanner 大众宝马欧系汽车故障码检测诊断工具
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道通 EU702 code scanner 大众宝马欧系汽车故障码检测诊断工具

EU702 Code Scanner Dignoses Engine/ A/T Transmission/ Airbag/ ABS Systems ID NO.:CTC011 EU702 code scanner an innovative multifunctional scan tool which used to diagnose Engine, Transmission, Airbag, ABS Systems for the Major European vehicle and retrieves vehicle information such as VIN,CID and CVN. Feature: 1. Global OBD2 & EOBD coverage. 2. Resets OIL SERVICE indicator light. 3. Supports all 9 Test Modes of of the latest J 1979 OBD2 test specs. 4. Retrieves generic {PO, P2, P3 & UO} and Manufacturer specific {P1, P3, & U1} codes. 5. Displays DTC definitions on screen. 6. Views FREEZE FRAME data. 7. Displays O2 Sensor data as well as LIVE DATA STREAM parameters. 8. Data Graphing - 1996 and newer. 9. Reads, stores and plays back LIVE Sensor data. 10. Memory / Battery backup for off vehicle data review and analysis 11. Performs Modules Present test. 12. Retrieves vehicle information {VIN, CID & CVN}. 13. Supports all current OBD2 Protcols, inc CAN {Controller Area Network}. 14. Extremely easy to use and reliable. 15. Built in OBD2 look up Library. 16. Prints data via PC. Available veichles: 1. For VW/ For Audi 1990-2006 2. For BMW 1993-2006 3. Mini 1995-2006 4. For Mercedes For Benz 1995-2006 5. For Vauxhall 1998-2006 6. For Volvo 1996-2005 7. Supports Global EOBD/OBD2 Coverage Package list: EU702 Main Unit OBD2 cable USB cable User's Manual

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